Irish Sailing Senior Instructor
An Irish Sailing Senior Instructor is an experienced Instructor who has been trained to take on the task of leading a team of Irish Sailing Instructors in the safe and effective delivery of Irish Sailing accredited training courses within an Irish Sailing Training Centre.
In doing so they will act as leader, manager, technical expert and instructor.
Every Training Centre requires a Senior Instructor and there are Senior Instructor grades for Sailing, Powerboating and Windsurfing disciplines.
To find a course, click here
Am I Eligible to Become a Senior Instructor...
The Pre-Requisites to become an Irish Sailing Senior Instructor for all discilpines are;
- A valid Irish Sailing Instructor certificate in the relevant discipline (Sailing or Windsurfing or Powerboat).
- Be at least 19 years old.
- A recommendation from a Club Officer or Centre Principal.
- A recommendation from a Senior Instructor.
- Valid First-Aid certificate.
- Sport Ireland Safeguarding 1 (Child Protection) certificate.
- Your Instructor Logbook with at least;
SBSS & Go! Windsurfing;
50 days instructing (using relevant Irish Sailing syllabus under the supervision of a Senior Instructor in a Training Centre).
Powerboat or Inland Waterways;
26 days instructing (using relevant Irish Sailing syllabus under the supervision of a Senior Instructor in a Training Centre).
- Have instructed over at least 2-seasons in at least x2 different Training Centres.
SBSS Senior Instructor candidates must also have;
It is assumed as a valid Irish Sailing Instructor, you are a member of Irish Sailing (through direct membership or via your home club membership) and your Garda Vetting is up-to-date; these are also requirements for the Senior Instructor course.
If you hold multiple discipline Instructorships (SBSS and/or NPTS and/or Windsurfing), each discipline will be upgraded to Senior Instructor upon successful completion of the course.
What Will I Learn on an Irish Sailing Senior Instructor Course?
Role of the Senior Instructor:
Be able to describe the role of the Senior Instructor within;
– Irish Sailing Training Schemes
– Irish Sailing Training Centre
Centre Recognition & administration
Be able to describe how to obtain Irish Sailing Training Centre accreditation for an organisation.
Be able to identify where to find requirements for Irish Sailing Training Centre accreditation.
Be able to identify the principal requirements for Irish Sailing Training Centre accreditation.
Knowledge of Irish Sailing Training products
Be able to outline all Irish Sailing Training courses available and what boats they are available in or appropriate to.
Risk Control & Crisis Management
Be able to conduct a risk assessment.
Be able to devise and implement Standard Operating Procedures.
Have demonstrated the ability to identify hazards & risks during the delivery of watersports sessions and provide effective controls.
Be able to develop an Emergency Action Plan for a watersports centre.
Be able to describe when and how to contact relevant emergency services if required.
Have demonstrated that they can make appropriate decisions when under pressure.
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
Be able to identify the key components to, and indicators of;
– A well run watersports activity
– An effective teaching / coaching session
Have demonstrated the ability to support and coach staff in skills used in running teaching and activity sessions.
Be able to identify the primary objectives of staff and student briefing and debriefing.
Be able to plan and deliver effective staff briefings and debriefing.
Have demonstrated that they can communicate effectively.
Be able to deliver effective feedback to instructors and other members of the water sports team.