Continuing Professional Development
Revalidation Workshops

Instructorships are valid for 3-years when first issued.
Upon successful completion of a Revalidation or Upgrade, your Instructorship will be valid for 5-years.
Click HERE to check the current status and expiry date of your Instructorship!


To find a course, click here


Instructor Revalidation Workshop (CPD)

Instructor CPD Revalidation Workshops provide Irish Sailing Instructors an opportunity to develop within their discipline and review their own personal and instructor skills. The aim of the CPD Revalidation Workshop is to:

• Maintain high standards of instruction.
• Inform and brief instructors of development within the sport.
• Review instructors own personal skills and share knowledge and ideas.

This is done by:

• Shorebased briefing and administration.
• Review of shorebased knowledge and waterbased skills.
• Instuctors delivering sessions with peer / Trainer review.

By attending an Irish Sailing CPD Revalidation Workshop you will revalidate all your instructor certificates within that discipline for 5 years.
Each workshop has a capacity for 6 instructors working as a peer group facilitated by an Instructor Trainer.

Workshops can be organised by any host accredited Training Centre by securing availability with an Instructor Trainer HERE;
and by registering the course with Irish Sailing;

Irish Sailing will periodically schedule Revalidation Workshops when enough demand is reached via the Expression of Interest facility.
Host Training Centres can also contact Irish Sailing to seek additional candidates via the Expression of Interest facility.