Licences and Certificates

Licences, endoresements and certificates are required for certain aspects of boating. These licences are not training courses, but they may require applicants to have undertaken specific training before they can be granted. Details of requirements for each licence or certificate type can be found on the relevant page.


ICC for Boating Abroad: 

The International Certificate of Competence for Operator of Pleasure Craft (ICC) is an internationally accepted sailing licence. You'll need it if you're planning to sail international or coastal waters or to charter a boat in Europe.

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Commercial Endorsement for licenced Passenger Boats: 

A passenger boat licence is a legal requirement for all passenger boats carrying up to twelve passengers for reward under the Merchant Shipping Act 1992. The Commercial Endorsement qualifies you to act as master or crew on vessels holding Passenger Boat licences as required by the Department of Transport. It is issued by Irish Sailing on behalf of the Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport, and can be issued to applicants who hold certain Irish Sailing and DOT qualifications.

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Radio Licences

As well as being a useful way of communicating with other boats, harbours and marinas, radios are still the preferred way of calling for help while afloat. It is important that people using radios know how to do so correctly as failure to do so can compromise the whole distress signalling system. There are a number of operators certificates available depending on the type of radios carried. The majority of leisure users will be using VHF radios and should hold the Short Range Certificate. The ISA does not provide training or certification in the use of marine radios as this function is undertaken by the Maritime Radio Affairs Unit in the Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport. A list of DTTAS approved providers for this course is available here.