Powerboat Safety for the Summer
Windsurfing & Powerboating

Powerboat Safety for the Summer

Safe Powerboating In Our Organisations

Powerboats are an intrinsic part of our environment used for the support of training and coaching delivery, safety cover for racing and general recreational use by participants and members. With this in mind it is important for us all to be aware of the risks posed by these craft if their use is not given an appropriate level of care by all in our Clubs and Training Centres.

When accidents and incidents are reviewed the root cause can almost always be traced back to a combination of the causal factors below

  • Competency
    • Are operators sufficiently trained and experienced for your activities in your environment?
    • In house experience building / upskilling to provide practice opportunities
    • Consider additional training courses (e.g. Safetyboat)
  • Behaviours
    • Use of Killcord
    • Poor driving position, secure seating position, one hand always on throttle
    • Inappropriate Speed / poor observation
    • Inappropriate activities (“joyrides”, “wave-hopping”)
    • Supervision, who in your organisation is responsible for setting the tone and challenging inappropriate behaviours?
  • Equipment
    • Unsuitable boats, is the correct type of boat allocated to the activity
    • Defective equipment (stiff steering / throttle, unreliable engine)
    • Unsecured fuel tanks
    • Missing / unsuitable equipment (anchors, towing lines, visual distress signals)

As we move into the main season now is the time to communicate with all the powerboat users in your organisation, Instructors, Coaches, Race Officials, Class Captains, Parents etc, to ensure that the appropriate procedures are in place and the required behaviours are understood to ensure a safe incident free summer afloat for all.


Marine Notices